Key Takeaways:

  • Indemnification clauses transfer risk between parties in a contract, ensuring that losses are compensated.
  • The phrase “defend, hold harmless, and indemnify” is critical in these clauses and determines the level of liability assumed.
  • A mutual indemnification clause for an independent contractor ensures both parties protect each other from liabilities resulting from their actions.
  • Different types of indemnification clauses exist, including broad, intermediate, and limited forms, affecting how much risk a party assumes.
  • The scope of indemnification, the types of damages covered, and exclusions should be carefully negotiated.
  • Specific industries, such as technology, construction, and consulting, commonly include indemnification clauses to mitigate risks.
  • Reviewing and customizing indemnification clauses with a legal professional is crucial to ensuring enforceability.

What Is Indemnification?

When an indemnification clause is inserted into a contract, it is meant to transfer risk between the contracted parties. In most cases, these clauses are used to make sure that a potential loss will be compensated. If you are the party covered by this clause, it means that the other contractual party is promising to compensate you if their actions cause you to suffer a loss. For example, they may commit an action that results in you being sued by a third-party.

The words defend, hold harmless, and indemnify must be included in an indemnification clause. Essentially, hold harmless and indemnify mean the exact same thing.

When you indemnify another person, you are covering their losses that you have caused. The benefit of this is that it prevents the damaged party from seeking compensation in a lawsuit. You will have the option of absorbing these losses yourself or providing direct compensation to the person that was harmed by your action.

The most important part of an indemnification clause is that it protects the indemnified party from lawsuits filed by third parties. This protection is important because damaged parties are still able to pursue compensation for their losses even if this clause isn't in the contract.

If the word "defend" is included in an indemnification clause, it means that the contracted party that caused the harm is responsible for defending the indemnified party from lawsuits. However, many indemnified parties request that this word is left out so that they retain the right to defend themselves.

When the contracted party suffers a loss due to the actions of the other party, they can still pursue damages under the tort or breach of contract legal theories. Therefore, the primary purpose of indemnification clauses is shifting the expense of defending one party from third-party lawsuits.

There are different types of indemnification clauses that can be inserted into a contract. For instance, if your contract includes a mutual indemnification clause, it means that both contracted parties have agreed to cover losses that result from a breach of contract. With one-way indemnification, only one party is indemnified, meaning only their losses would be covered. However, the party that is indemnified will often have responsibilities that they must fulfill.

In some cases, the clause may state that it is the only solution for the damaged party to be compensated for their losses. If this is the case, the clause should also define how a claim can be brought, including:

  • The scope of the claim.
  • The maximum amount of liability that can be covered.
  • The time periods when the party may bring a claim.

Types of Indemnification Clauses

Indemnification clauses come in several forms, each determining the extent of liability assumed by a party. The three main types are:

  1. Broad Form Indemnity – The indemnifying party assumes all liabilities, even for claims resulting from the indemnified party’s own negligence. This form is often controversial and even unenforceable in certain jurisdictions.
  2. Intermediate Form Indemnity – The indemnifying party is responsible for liabilities arising from their own negligence and partial negligence of the indemnified party but is not liable if the indemnified party is solely responsible.
  3. Limited Form Indemnity – The indemnifying party only covers liabilities resulting from their own actions, ensuring they are not responsible for any negligence by the indemnified party.

For independent contractors, mutual indemnification clauses are commonly used, ensuring both the client and the contractor take responsibility for risks within their control.

Mutual Indemnification Clause for Independent Contractors

A mutual indemnification clause in an independent contractor agreement ensures that each party is liable for damages caused by their actions. This clause is especially useful in professional service contracts, where both parties interact with third parties and may be exposed to claims.

Key Elements of a Mutual Indemnification Clause:

  • Scope of Indemnity – Defines what damages, liabilities, and claims each party covers.
  • Legal Fees & Defense – Specifies whether the indemnifying party must cover legal costs if a claim arises.
  • Exclusions – Identifies situations where indemnification does not apply, such as gross negligence or willful misconduct.
  • Time Limit – Sets a duration for when claims can be made under the indemnification clause.

For example, a consultant working with a company may include a mutual indemnification clause stating that:

  • The company indemnifies the contractor if third-party claims arise from the company’s internal policies or actions.
  • The contractor indemnifies the company for damages caused by their professional negligence or contractual breaches.

This ensures fairness and balanced risk allocation.

Tips for Indemnification Clauses

If you're considering entering into a contract that contains an indemnification clause, there are a few tips that you should follow to make sure you are legally protected. First and foremost, you need to read the clause so that you can be certain that you fully understand its language. For instance, if the clause includes language about defending against claims, you need to be sure whether this means you will be defended from all claims or just reasonable claims.

If the indemnification clause is being used in a warranty, you should make sure that indemnity is limited by limiting the warranty.

Let's assume that you are a software developer and you need to guarantee that your program is not infringing on the IP rights of a third-party. You should make sure that the language of the warranty states you are only guaranteeing you haven't infringed on known IP rights. If you are not the indemnified party, you should make sure that the clause includes a cap on the number of losses that you will be required to cover. Should the other party request a larger cap, you should only give it to them in exchange for a higher price.

You should also consider investing in professional indemnity insurance. If you have one of these insurance policies, damages and legal costs will be covered if you breach a contract. If you're having trouble understanding the language in the indemnification clause, or the contract as a whole, you should consult an attorney before signing the contract.

Key Considerations When Negotiating an Indemnification Clause

When drafting an indemnification clause, several factors must be carefully negotiated to ensure a fair agreement:

  1. Who Bears the Risk?
    • Identify which party assumes liability for different types of claims (e.g., third-party lawsuits, data breaches, intellectual property disputes).
  2. Legal and Insurance Coverage
    • Consider whether professional liability insurance covers indemnity obligations.
    • Contractors should ensure they have business liability insurance to cover potential indemnification claims.
  3. Limiting Liability
    • Negotiate caps on damages to avoid unlimited financial responsibility.
    • Include a provision specifying what types of losses (e.g., direct damages, consequential damages) are covered.
  4. State and Industry-Specific Laws
    • Some states restrict how much indemnification one party can demand. Research whether broad indemnification clauses are enforceable in the relevant jurisdiction.
    • Industries such as construction and technology often have stricter indemnification requirements.
  5. Carve-Outs and Exceptions
    • Define exclusions for extreme cases such as fraud, gross negligence, or illegal activities.
    • Ensure that indemnification does not extend beyond what is reasonable for the contractual relationship.

By addressing these factors, both parties can create an enforceable and fair indemnification clause.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a mutual indemnification clause for an independent contractor? A mutual indemnification clause ensures that both the independent contractor and the client are responsible for liabilities arising from their respective actions. It helps balance risk and prevents unfair liability allocation.

2. How do I negotiate an indemnification clause as a contractor? Contractors should negotiate clear scope limitations, cap their financial liability, and confirm whether their insurance covers indemnity obligations. Seeking legal counsel ensures the clause is enforceable.

3. Are indemnification clauses legally enforceable? Yes, but enforceability varies by jurisdiction. Some states limit broad form indemnity clauses or require clear wording for indemnification obligations to be valid.

4. Can indemnification clauses include attorney’s fees? Yes, many indemnification clauses specify that the indemnifying party must cover legal fees if a lawsuit arises.

5. Should I include a mutual indemnification clause in my contracts? If both parties have equal risk exposure, a mutual indemnification clause provides fair protection. However, contractors should ensure they are not taking on excessive liability beyond their control.

If you need help understanding the indemnification clause, you can post your legal needs on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.